Ncremental Toolkit

Install the App in Contentful

Navigating to Application Settings Begin by accessing the Application settings within your project’s Contentful interface. This can be done by navigating to:


Here, you will see an option to Create app. Clicking this prepares Contentful for the integration of the Ncremental toolkit, marking the first step towards enhancing your project’s functionality.

Configure the app

After initiating the creation of the app, it’s time to configure it by doing the following:

  1. Rename Your App: Assign the name Ncremental toolkit to your app. This name will identify the app within your project settings and ensure it is easily recognizable.
  2. Set the Frontend URL: In the Frontend section, input the following URL to connect your app to its frontend interface

This URL is the gateway to the Ncremental toolkit’s user interface, enabling you to interact with the toolkit’s features directly within Contentful.

  1. Enable Key Features: Make sure to activate the App configuration screen, Entry Field (for Responsive field, Entry sidebar, and Page options. These selections integrate the toolkit seamlessly into various parts of the Contentful UI, enhancing your workflow.
  2. Main Navigation: Opt to Show app in main navigation and label it Ncremental toolkit for easy access from anywhere within your Contentful environment.

Your app settings should now look something like this:

App settings

Install the app in your Space

With the app configured, it’s now visible in the Apps section:

App installed

To integrate it into your working environment:

  1. Click on the triple dots (…) beside the app to reveal additional options and select Install in space.
  2. Choose the specific space and environment where the toolkit will be most beneficial.

Apply space-level configuration

Upon installation, you’ll be directed to the application configuration page:

App configuration

On this page, you will have the option to set up several configurations:

  1. Breakpoints: Configure breakpoints if you want to enable responsive fields.
  2. Excluded Content Types: Specify content types to be excluded from certain operations, such as the “remove unused” tool.
  3. Excluded Parent Content Types: Define parent content types to be excluded from specific processes, like removing unused entries.

Enabling Content synchronization

If you wish to synchronize your environment contents with another, you’ll have to specify which content models are eligible for synchronization:

  1. Select a content model to configure and navigate to its Sidebar settings.
  2. Add Ncremental Toolkit to the sidebar to enable synchronization options directly within the content model’s interface.

Model configuration

Enable responsive fields

If you wish to enable responsive fields, you have to setup your breakpoints. Doing so requires you to go to the space-level configuration. (see section above)

App configuration breakpoints

Once the breakpoints are configured, you need to enable the custom editor on models that support it.

Excluded content types

If you want to exclude certain content types from the search for unused entries, you can set it up right here!

App configuration breakpoints

Excluded parent content types

This feature enables you to designate certain source content types. Entries linked to these designated source types will be considered unused if it’s the only reference they have.

For example, let’s say you have an entry named “Test” that is only referenced in “JobLog” entry, which belongs to the ncrMiscToolkitJobLogs content type However, this referenced entry is not linked anywhere else in your system. By specifying the ncrMiscToolkitJobLogs content type as an excluded source content type, you essentially mark the referenced entry as unused. As a result, the entry associated with the ncrMiscToolkitJobLogs content type, previously considered valid under its source, now qualifies for removal as an unused entry.

App configuration breakpoints